About Ethiopia
Trevor Jenner, Ethiopia – Travellers’ Handbook

Visit Ethiopia to see jagged mountains, vast highland plateaus, the Blue Nile and fauna found nowhere else in the world. Experience the Ethiopian Rift Valley with its huge lakes and volcanoes. Explore remnants of the ancient Axumite Kingdom that sat alongside the empires of Rome and Persia. Investigate Ethiopia’s early adoption of Christianity and its unique churches. Visualise Ethiopia’s powerful myths and legends – the Queen of Sheba and Ark of the Covenant. Feel the vibrancy of its diverse peoples.

Ethiopia is a most compelling destination being sought out by an increasing number of travellers. Read Ethiopia Travellers’ Handbook to gain an insight into one of the most fascinating countries on earth.

Visit Ethiopia now while you can still see a huge diversity of tribes. See how they build their traditional homes, wear their traditional clothes and create their traditional hairstyles. For the time is limited, the government and the world are closing in to bring civilisation to the masses. Go there now and see the most interesting and diverse country in Africa – the country that time forgot.

Often called the water tower of Africa, Ethiopia is mountainous. Many rivers spring from its heights, including the Blue Nile.
Ethiopia has more moorland than any other African country and its mountains reach to 4,550m in Ras Dashen, the country’s highest peak.
The highest all weather road in Africa passes over the Bale Mountains, rising to more than 4,000 m.
There are lakes, rivers, ancient juniper forests and a unique collection of animals – including a creature more rare than Pandas – the elegant Ethiopian Wolf.

The amazing Rift Valley holds deserts that descend to the Afar Depression, some 125 m below sea level, where the Afar people carry out salt mining in temperatures of 50°C. Nearby there is one of the most active volcanoes on the planet – Erta Ale. But most of the Rift Valley is more typical of East Africa, containing a collection of national parks, a string of large lakes, grasslands and acacia woodlands, with animals including lion, oryx and ostrich.

To add to the wonder of the Ethiopian Rift Valley it has been described as the cradle of life owing to the discovery of the world’s oldest remains of hominids. There is plenty to support speculation that they form the missing links between humans and apes. In the south of the country there is evidence of ancient forgotten civilisations in the form of carved stele including gigantic phahlic monuments.

Ethiopia has a fascinating history that has left an unlikely collection of monuments for visitors to marvel at.
The ancient trading nation of the Axumites with its capital Axum disporting huge stelae, ancient tombs and palace ruins gives one plenty to think about.
Early adoption of Christianity by an Axumite king has led to the creation of many extraordinary churches. While Gondar’s collection of medieval castles stand as testimony to a weird and remarkable past.

To the facts of history add the most amazing of myths – Did the Queen of Sheba reign over Ethiopia and Yemen from Axum? Is the Ark of the Covenant housed in an Axum church? Who was Prester John? Did the lost tribe of Israel dwell in Ethiopia? Myths pose more questions than answers but strong beliefs provide a lot to hypothesise upon.

Tigre boasts a collection of more than 120 churches carved from the rock, many in remote crags among awesome scenery.
In a high mountain hideaway hidden for centuries there is the UNESCO site of the extraordinary churches of Lalibela. They are a unique collection of rock-hewn churches that defy belief.

Tribes of different ethnic origins people the
highlands and lowlands. There are none more exotic than those of the Lower Omo Valley where there is a collection of tribes whose individual identities are among the most fascinating in the world.

Ethiopians are hardy people. Not just the Afar nor the tribes-people of the Lower Omo Valley, but also the highlanders living at altitudes up to 4,000 m with little clothing to repel water and provide warmth.
Temperatures reach low levels but in the wet season rain comes down so hard and fast that the tracks and streets become rivers in minutes. Hardy people in a developing country, one of the poorest in the world – but it is changing. Ethiopia is a reinvented nation based upon a flourishing economy and rapid development.
There is much more to Ethiopia than this brief introduction.
Read Ethiopia Travellers’ Handbook and visit one of the most fascinating countries in the world.
Don’t hesitate because it is changing – fast.

Trevor Jenner’s book is a well-researched and comprehensive guide for anyone travelling to Ethiopia with valuable insights into the wildlife, culture and history of this fascinating and welcoming country.

Welcoming smiles greet the visitor to this diverse land