Mammals Of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia
Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of the Horn of Africa.
Craig Rix – Travel Africa Magazine

A gem of a guide for anyone fascinated by the Horn of Africa’s unusual and unique wildlife. Great design with immaculate images and maps.

- The long awaited first field guide of the larger mammals of the Horn of Africa
- Some of the world’s rarest mammals depicted in full colour with fully descriptive text and distribution maps
- Diagnostic notes to separate similar species
- More than 350 high quality images and maps
- All of the larger endemic mammals of the Horn of Africa described and illustrated
- Distribution maps for each species
- Up to date information on the little known and endangered mammals of the Horn of Africa
- Input of data from from specialist experts worldwide
- Designed to be easy to use and to enable quick species reference
All of the larger mammals of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia are described together with identification notes. In full colour, almost all of the endemic species, and distinctive sub-species, are covered by two pages of text with a distribution map and four images, showing the main characters of the mammal and its habitat. Almost all of the other species each occupy a full page with two images and a distribution map. Each species carries details of its distribution, IUCN status, typical localities, local or alternative name, size, description, habitat, similar species and behaviour. The descriptions of the specialties and endemic mammals, including many endangered and little known species, carry additional information including history, threats, status, future outlook and more behavioural details. Experts around the world, who are specialists in their field, have contributed data to ensure a wide and up to date coverage.
Other topics covered include:
- Country information, additional information about the endemic mammals, where to find mammals, use of local names, spelling, place names.
- Topographical regions, biospheres, vegetation, habitats, climate, altitudes,
- Taxonomy – subspecies, geographical and individual variations.
- Sources of data, how to use the book, acronyms, abbreviations, map key.
- National Parks, nature reserves, Great Rift Valley, conservation, mammal lists by country.
- Bibliography, index, acknowledgements.

Ethiopian Wolf
More rare than the giant panda, this iconic species inhabits the high plateaus at altitudes of up to 4,000metres.

An exotic primate that grazes on grass and inhabits the gorges and precipices of the high mountains.

Mountain Nyala
The world’s last large mammal to be discovered, inhabits the high altitude mountain forests and grasslands.
Leon Vileger – Natural History Book Society

A very useful book with some great photography. There is no comparable title on the market so this should be much sought after for travellers to Ethiopia and the other countries of the Horn of Africa.