Mammals Of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia Book Reviews
Nigel Redman –
Senior author of the field guide, Birds of the Horn of Africa

Finally, the Horn of Africa has its own dedicated field guide to the larger mammals. This stunning new book is lavishly illustrated and well-designed, with informative texts and accurate maps. The photos are amazing. And it’s light enough to slip into your luggage wherever you go. Anyone with an interest in the wildlife of the region needs this book.

Craig Rix – Travel Africa Magazine

A gem of a guide for anyone fascinated by the Horn of Africa’s unusual and unique wildlife. Great design with immaculate images and maps.

Jon Hall –

So this is exciting. Trevor Jenner has just filled a gaping hole in the mammal fieldguide landscape, with his guide to the larger mammals of the Horn of Africa.
Though it doesn’t cover bats, rats and shrews it does include every larger mammal from one of the world’s most interesting mammalwatching regions, which remains – in many parts – underexplored. There are also some really cool endemics here: Ethiopian Wolf, Gelada Baboon, Giant Mole-rat, Dibatag, African Wild Ass … I could go on.
If you haven’t been to the Horn of Africa then I am pretty sure you will want to after reading this. If you have been already then you will know what I mean. This is a region I am very keen to revisit too as soon as life begins to return to something closer to normal.
Each of the 111 species covered has one or more photos, a range map and some very helpful notes on habitat, behaviour and identification: notes you can tell they have been written by a mammal watcher rather than a scientist. It is the sort of information you need for identification in the field, rather than in a museum.
Trevor has tried to include as much about subspecies as space allowed, and points out that some of the subspecies in this part of the world look quite different to those elsewhere in Africa.
I found the information at the end – on where to find mammals in some of Ethiopia’s parks and elsewhere – very useful too: a welcome trend in recent field guides which I am delighted to see being continued here. And, at 216 pages, it is small enough to fit in a coat pocket.

Leon Vileger – Natural History Book Society

A very useful book with some great photography. There is no comparable title on the market so this should be much sought after for travellers to Ethiopia and the other countries of the Horn of Africa.

Tim Melling –

Ethiopia has a remarkably rich mammal fauna including a number of iconic endemics like Ethiopian Wolf, Mountain Nyala, Bale Monkey and Gelada. This new guide is exactly what visitors to this region need to find and identify the mammals of this region. It is attractively laid out and brimming with useful information, yet small enough to carry with you. Each species has remarkably good photographs of even the most elusive species, accompanied by detailed distribution maps, plus notes on every subspecies present. In addition, there are pithy notes on identification and separation from confusion species, plus interesting notes on behaviour, ecology and status. For example, it notes that the Ethiopian Wolf is the rarest canid on the planet with a global population of just 500.
Although the main title is Mammals of Ethiopia it also deals with adjacent countries in the Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia). It only claims to deal with the “larger” mammals but really it deals with all the mammals you are likely to be able to identify in the field, so scores of bats, rats, mice and shrews are only mentioned in a country checklist at the back. But a few rodents are included, such as Squirrels, and the endemic Giant Mole Rats on which the Ethiopian Wolves feed and which visitors are likely to see.
The species accounts make up the bulk of the book but there are also some excellent chapters on each of the component countries dealing with climate, habitat and vegetation. There are more detailed sections on each of the main mammal-watching areas plus a thumbnail guide to every National Park, Reserve and Sanctuary with the main mammals to be found there.
I first visited Ethiopia in 2012 and asked a friend before I went which was the best mammal book. He swiftly replied Jonathan Kingdon’s pocket guide to African Mammals which I duly bought and have used on subsequent trips. But how I wish I’d had this guide instead. The Kingdon guide covered the whole of sub-Saharan Africa and did not deal well with the specialist high altitude mammals of Ethiopia. For example, the gingery coloured Bushbucks in the Kingdon guide bore little resemblance to the black Bushbucks that I saw in Ethiopia. Also, the taxonomy has moved on a great deal since this was published and with such broad distribution maps it was difficult to be sure which species or subspecies I had seen in Ethiopia. In fact, this new guide has helped me to sort out some Dikdik subspecies, which I had photographed but never properly identified. It really fills a gap in the market and is the perfect accompaniment to the Helm Guide to the Birds of the Horn of Africa (Redman et al.).
I will definitely be recommending it to any of my friends planning to visit this region.

Thomas M. Butynski, PhD – Director, Lolldaiga Hills Research Programme, Kenya

This is a very well done, well printed, attractive, important book. Congratulations! I look forward to using it.

Sarah Sherlock – The Anglo-Ethiopian Society Online Lecture by Trevor Jenner

Trevor Jenner’s introduction to Ethiopia’s larger mammal life through his camera lens and personal observations, showed an astonishing variety of beautiful animals, all of which can be found in his newly published field guide. It took 10 years of intrepid travel, including to the remotest sanctuaries and parks in Ethiopia, to observe and photograph the animals in his book. The result is a collection of beautiful images that accompanies a systematically arranged text, and reveals a tantalising array of animal life to whet the appetites of pandemic restrained travellers.

Chris Halsall

I marvel at the knowledge and scholarship which has gone into this book, and the skill with which that knowledge is presented. It is a monument to the author’s familiarity with Ethiopia and with its wildlife.

Amazon Worldwide Reviews

An excellent and useful book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 26 December 2020
Good, comprehensive text and excellent photographs; very useful for fieldwork in the region.

All you need to know about the larger mammals of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 18 December 2020
This book is a joy, packed full of essential information and superb photos, easily slips into your pocket and very user friendly. All you need to know about the larger mammals of Ethiopia and the other countries of the Horn of Africa: maps, habitat, behaviour and a description of each species. An absolutely necessary guide if you are visiting any of the countries of the Horn of Africa but also a lovely book to have on your bookshelf.

Essential field guide for the region
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 December 2020
I suspect this book will have a huge impact on altering perceptions on the Horn of Africa as a safari destination. Almost anyone who thumbs through this book is bound to be pleasantly surprised at the huge diversity of large mammals to be found in this region. It is difficult not to feel excited at the prospect of visiting a country like Ethiopia after studying this book. A book that is well designed and illustrated and with credible text from someone with extensive field experience goes a long way to developing the wildlife tourism market in a country. This is just the sort of book a country like Ethiopia needs to establish itself as a popular safari destination.
Over the years I have visited Africa a few times and I have acquired a large number of books on its natural history. I took an instinctive liking to the design and content of this book. With the focus on the larger mammals, it manages to be reasonably slim at 206 pages. Therefore, it is not too heavy to be in the day pack. The images are consistently crisp and reproduced to a good size in a book with dimensions of 5.5 cm wide and 8.5 cm tall. It is field guide size and not as small as some of the more compact guides. But the bigger page area does show off the images well. The text on the species accounts is structured well with the focus on identification. The distribution maps are a big plus. I appreciate the distribution maps are best interpreted as indicative and provide no measure of abundance and ease of viewing. But when perusing the maps for star species such as Wild Cat, Serval, Caracal, Leopard, Lion and Cheetah, it is hard not to be surprised at how widely distributed these species are.
In the species accounts, in the comparison with similar species, key field diagnostics are in orange text contrasting with the rest of the text in black. The species names are also in orange, mirroring the colour on the distribution maps. These are little design touches which make the book easy on the eye and will hopefully recruit more tourists into becoming natural history converts. The species text also covers the distribution, IUCN status, size, typical localities, habitat and behaviour. A lot of information is packed in. Having written and photographed two photographic guides to the mammals of Sri Lanka (published by Bloomsbury and John Beaufoy Publishing), I can appreciate that this book would have taken a lot of work to bring it to fruition.
A few species have a double page spread, but the majority of species have a full page which is adequate for a field guide focussed on the larger mammals. The different orders of families are broken by a full page which serves as a divider which then lists the families in that order. I am a fan of this feature as it allows people who are not already serious amateur naturalists to get their heads around mammalian diversity at the level of scientific orders and families.
The introductory sections begin with a map of the Horn of Africa and show the political boundaries. The 21 mammals which are endemic or near endemic are listed. The section on vegetation and habitats dispels the notion that the region is one large dust bowl, an image which may have registered with the heroic efforts of Band Aid in the 1980s to raise much needed humanitarian aid. The lyrics of their famous fund raising song included ‘…where nothing ever grows, no rain or rivers flow….’. I cannot fault them for creating graphic images for raising money to save lives. However, this book using text and images reminds contemporary travellers what Ethiopia is really like. In addition to bush and savannah; the stereotyped images from the popular East African and Southern African safari destinations, it has wetlands, lakes and rivers. There are lush rainforests festooned with mosses and lichen. At the high elevations there are Afroalpine moorlands. I would have liked to have seen more images of its cloud forests which must hold species yet waiting to be discovered. The four countries, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia have country sections. The section on Ethiopia is the largest and provides a good, brief introduction to its extreme range of habitats from the high mountains to its north, south and west, and on to the deserts on its east and south. The Simien Mountains have eight peaks over 4,400 m. The Afar Desert still has volcanic activity. The country has four major river systems and the Godere Rainforest receives 2,200 mm of rainfall annually. The Author Trevor Jenner has also written the ‘Ethiopia Traveller’s Handbook’ which will no doubt help with travel planning for those like me who are inspired to visit the country.
The end sections (pages 158 to 206) have a useful ‘Where to find mammals’ by country. The section on Ethiopia has detailed accounts for the famous Bale Mountains National Park as well as other parks including the Simien Mountains and the Alleghdai Plains. A full checklist of the mammals of Ethiopia is provided and not surprisingly it is dominated by smaller mammals such as bats, shrews, rats and mice. There are 85 species of bats and 86 species of rodents highlighting how rich the region is for mammals. Admittedly this is not what tourists go for, but the species accounts on pages 29 to 157 make it abundantly clear that the region has a full complement of the megafauna that earns tourist dollars. The Big Five, primates, hyenas, wolves, zebras, hippopotamuses, pigs, giraffes, antelopes, etc. are all found here. The end sections have a lot of other useful information including details of conservation organisations, a glossary, references and an Eponym dictionary. Did you wonder who Grant in Grant’s Gazelle was, for example?
On the whole, this is a well thought out book and a useful safari guide to anyone with an interest in African mammals. Reading through the text I was surprised to read that a large mammal like the giraffe is still hunted for its meat and its tail hairs to make ornaments. Africa’s large mammals are potentially worth so much more as a revenue generating wildlife tourism asset, which is also a more sustainable use of wildlife. I hope this region will see a period of political stability which together with the impetus provided by books like this, will result in economic growth aligned with conservation.